
Thursday, 27 June 2019

Sheep on the field

Walt: Learning how to code

Task description: first we were doing our first scratch activity then my teacher called us in to do another scratch game and then after that we had to screen castify it and this is my screen castify.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Hide and zombie

Walt: paint an image in the readers mind.

Task description: First of all we were all on the mat then our teacher showed us the task we had to do then he showed us what to do after that he told us to go of and finish it.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Independent and dependent 2019

Walt: identify and write independent and dependent clauses.

Task description: first we were on the mat then Mr Goodwin showed us the task then he showed us to do it then he sent us off to finish it off.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Reading Screencastify

Walt: take charge of our own learning.

Task description:  So first we were all on the mat then Mr Goodwin showed us the task that we had too complete and there were 4 2 or 3 tasks to complete and I decided to doe all 4 and this one is my Screencastify.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Journal word find (Boost)

Walt: take charge of our own learning.

Task description: First we were all on the mat then my teacher showed us the task we had to do after that he sent us off to finish it and post it on our blogs.