
Friday, 11 May 2018

Immersion assembly

On monday in the morning we had our very own Immersion assembly we always have an Immersion assembly on the first day of school. I walked in the hall and I was so excited to see some videos that the teacher’s had planned for there team like TEAM 1,TEAM 2,TEAM 3,TEAM 4,and TEAM 5. well Team 1’s video was about 4 teacher’s trying to move a big rock and they searched it up on google and they had an idea the idea was that they could launch the rock and when they tried it the rock went flying over their heads. when the rock was gone they carried on with there ride to the beach.

Team 2 was getting some cars and scooters and stuff like that. The people who were riding them was the teachers they were riding on the cars and the trollies and stuff. They were always getting in trouble from Mrs gaston cause Mrs gaston was the teacher in there item was about movements.

Team 3’s movie was about 5 teachers playing on the park with no kids there. It looked like they had lots of fun. They were also dancing on a big rock near the water there item was about the physics of sports.

Team 4’s item was about flying objects. They had a movie. It was about 6 teachers watching a video in the classroom and their movie was about 6 teachers watching a video in the classroom. They were watching a Redbull competition. Red Bull is were they build stuff and they make it fly off something and the thing they built breaks in the water.

After that movie it was team 5’s item. Their item was about body strength so they were doing an act. It was the team 5 teachers vs 1 year 6 teacher and 2 year 2 teachers and they were doing tug of war without gloves and with gloves. When they did it with gloves the team 2 teachers and the team 4 teacher had to do it with dishwashing liquid and when the team 5 teachers pulled the rope, the teachers that were versing the team 5 teacher lost and the team 5 teacher won. That was the end of immersion assembly.

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