
Monday, 26 July 2021

Immersion Assembly

Today was the first day of Term 3, as always, we start the day off with an assembly, and all the teachers can either make a movie, or perform an act, to explain what their team will be working on this term. The korero for this term is 'Healthy me, healthy you',

Every team made a movie, besides team 5, and out of all the performances my favourite movie or act, was presented by Team 4. Their movie was all about fitness, and why it can help you in your future. In one part of their movie, they made a scene from when they had a 'class reunion' in the the future year of 2041, and they all had a successful life, thanks to all the fitness they learnt and had done.

This term, Team 5 are learning about 'Whare Tapa Wha', which is all about our Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Social/Family, well-beings. 

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